Aug 29, 2013
First Tajikistan Farmer-to-Farmer Field Days
The first Field Day photos are in from Tajikistan!
Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteers Bob Morris, Ross Penhallegon and Kate Penhallegon are sharing their expertise by holding Field Days at the “Akmal” Dehkan apricot farm and the “Qalai Surkh” Production Cooperative.
While in general Field Days are a great opportunity for local farmers to get hands on experience and training, this assignment has Bob, Ross and Kate focusing on fruit and vegetable processing; developing recipes for using apricots, tomatoes, cucumbers, water melons and melons at home; enhancing methods for pruning and forming apricot trees after the harvest; instruction on necessary tillage, fertilizing and watering techniques; as well as the specifics, principles, and advantages of drip irrigation to reduce watering costs.
CNFA HQ staff, Eric Sedlacek and Rachel Storey, who are currently traveling in Tajikistan, attended one of the Field Days in the Sughd Province at the “Qalai Surkh” Production Cooperative.
See all the photos on our Facebook page!