CNFA utilizes volunteer technical assistance to boost incomes of smallholder farmers and small- and medium-sized enterprises in a cost-effective manner. Our vast network of volunteer consultants comprises experts in their fields, representing all ages and industries. CNFA volunteers work with agribusinesses, extension agencies, cooperatives, and farmers to provide their expertise on topics including crop production, post-harvest handling and marketing of seeds, cooperative and association development, business plan development, and financial management. We combine their expertise with the local knowledge of in-country staff to deliver professional and appropriate solutions.
With over 20 years of experience in managing volunteer programs, CNFA continuously refines and improves key processes such as host identification, opportunity assessment, scope of work development, candidate screening/recruitment, volunteer orientation/fielding, and impact monitoring. We have fielded more than 1,650 volunteers across Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia and frequently send volunteers to Angola, Mozambique and Malawi as part of the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Southern Africa program.