Press Release

CNFA and Callivoire partner to launch Farm Service Centers in Côte d’Ivoire

Collaboration between CNFA and Callivoire will help improve the professionalism of Ivorian cocoa producers and retailers and promote access to high-quality inputs and services


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA), an international organization for agricultural development, has announced that Callivoire, an agricultural solutions company, and CNFA’s Maximizing Opportunities in Cocoa Activity (MOCA) project will award grants totaling 75,000,000 FCFA (francs CFA)  (U.S.- $129,960) to five Ivorian companies for the establishment of Farm Service Centers (FSC). The creation of these centers will contribute to the improvement of cocoa production and enable producers to increase their incomes and standard of living.

MOCA, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food for Progress program, and Callivoire launched a call for proposals in March 2019 for the creation of five FSCs. The solicitation which focused on Ivorian companies working in the cocoa sector and the affiliated sectors, such as phytosanitary companies, responds to the common desire of the two structures to improve the professionalism of nearly 3,000 Ivorian cocoa producers by facilitating access to high-quality inputs.

The grants’ total available funds amount to 75,000,000 CFA (nearly U.S. $129,960), with matching grants ranging from 1,500,000 FCFA to 15,000,000 FCFA in equipment, materials and technical assistance. The selected candidates will contribute to at least 50 percent of the grant funding to guarantee the property.

The creation of the FSC will enable producers in the regions of Haut-Sassandra, Indénié-Djuablin and Nawa to benefit from competitive services, including training on good agricultural practices and the safe and smart use of phytosanitary products.

The selected companies were chosen following an evaluation conducted by MOCA and Callivoire. The evaluation process included a pre-selection of the proposals, based on indicators such as the targeted beneficiaries, compliance with MOCA’s results, improvements to the quality of cocoa, job creation and financial viability. Additionally, a field visit organized at the end of June 2019, resulted in the selection of the beneficiary companies.

“USDA’s MOCA project looks forward to joining our partner Callivoire in working together to reach our mutual objective of assuring high-quality inputs and services for Ivoirian famers in order to reduce losses, improve production and gain increased income,” said MOCA’s Chief of Party and Program Director, Marc Steen. Our combined efforts will provide coordinated support to the local entrepreneurs who co-invest with USDA MOCA and Callivoire to establish these centers for the benefit of Cote d’Ivoire’s agricultural sector.

“We are excited to enter the operational phase of the project”, said Axel d’Hauthuille, Managing Director at Callivoire. “We are confident that the future rural Farm Service Centers will bring remarkable value for the development of Ivorian agriculture, and generate greater prosperity for farmers through the provision of state-of-the-art products and services. “

MOCA and Callivoire will organize a grant award ceremony, July 17, 2019 at the Andrew Young Center for Entrepreneurship. The ceremony will be attended by officials from the U.S. embassy in Côte d’Ivoire, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER), and the Café-Cacao Council, as well as partners in the public and private sectors.

The award ceremony will launch the grants implementation phase and allow the disbursement of the allocated funds (over a period of 12 months) to the various grants, as well as the implementation of FSCs’ business plans. During this phase, MOCA will provide to the subcontractors a performance evaluation, reporting and compliance audit. In addition to disbursing grant funds, MOCA and Callivoire will also provide extensive training and support.


CNFA: Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture is an international agricultural development organization specializing in the design and implementation of sustainable, business-based agricultural initiatives. We work with companies, foundations, governments and communities to create local and global, personalized partnerships that meet the growing demand for food products around the world. Since our inception in 1985, we have designed and implemented enterprise-based agricultural development initiatives to facilitate market access, strengthen the competitiveness of agro-industries, increase productivity and improve access to inputs and financing services in 45 countries around the world.

CALLIVOIRE: Established in Ivory Coast since 1986, Callivoire is an agricultural solutions company focused on the development of Ivorian agriculture and the well-being of the population. As a subsidiary of the global UPL group, Callivoire is active in the fields of crop protection, biosolutions, fertilizers, seed supply, public hygiene solutions and agricultural equipment. As a technical partner, Callivoire brings its expertise and know-how to help farmers, NGOs and businesses realize the full potential of their agricultural projects.

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