Download Our 2022 Annual Report

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Letter from Board Chair & CEO

CNFA’s steadfast dedication to our mission once again enabled our organization over the past year as we worked to support farmers, entrepreneurs and their communities around the world. Although a range of challenges threatened to push the world’s most vulnerable populations further into poverty, including the lingering effects of COVID-19, ongoing threats posed by climate change and the global consequences of the war in Ukraine, CNFA remained resolute in its commitments to fostering improved circumstances and livelihoods through agriculture.

There has never been a more critical time and need for our activities and the unique expertise we offer to our ever-changing world. Although social, political and environmental factors have influenced increased undernourished and economically challenged populations globally throughout our organization’s existence, we believe the world now faces an unprecedented array of threats as a result of the changing climate.

As we saw last year—and will continue to see in the year ahead—rural agricultural societies where people barely eked out an existence in decades past now increasingly see their lives upended by extended droughts or sudden floods, unseasonable patches of hot or cold weather, influxes of new parasites or diseases and other dangers driven by a quickly changing natural environment. These already marginalized populations—now facing starvation and further economic instability—are forced to either compete for ever-dwindling resources or join mass migrations to other stressed regions where they must endeavor simply to survive, often amid growing social and political unrest.

Within the international development community, CNFA has been at the leading edge of efforts to create an approach to agricultural development aimed at addressing these growing challenges. CNFA’s entrepreneur-focused programs incorporate on-the-ground strategies that allow our organization to quickly adapt and propagate agricultural technologies and techniques in response to specific climate threats, thereby improving agricultural production, preserving access to nourishing foods, increasing economic stability and strengthening food security.

Our Feed the Future programs in Africa are a case in point. The Feed the Future Mali Sugu Yiriwa activity trained over 6,000 Malian producers, agrodealers, processors, breeders and traders in good agricultural practices. In Burkina Faso, the USAID Yidgiri activity established more than 300 demonstration plots between 2020 and 2022. In Niger, the USAID Yalwa activity almost doubled the number of producer organizations it supported, from 384 in 2020 to 658 in 2022. In Rwanda, CNFA completed the Feed the Future Rwanda Hinga Weze activity after working with more than 200,000 farmers, and will continue to support Rwandan communities for another five years through the Feed the Future Rwanda Hinga Winguke Activity awarded in November 2022.

CNFA-implemented projects drove similar results in other parts of the world too. In Moldova, our USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer Program (F2F) helped improve soil health and pave the way for the country to export organic agriculture products to Western Europe. In Georgia, the USAID Agriculture Program facilitated the importation of 72,000 certified virus-free blueberry, raspberry and strawberry plants for local producers, bolstering the value chains at a local level, and the Georgia Hazelnut Improvement Project worked in its final year to ensure the sustainability of its initiatives. In Azerbaijan, the USAID Private Sector Activity organized trade missions to Georgia, Italy and Israel, and facilitated business-to-business linkages between U.S. and Azerbaijani enterprises. Finally, the USDA West Africa PRO-Cashew Project distributed improved cashew rootstock plants across its five target countries, working with the private sector, research institutions, agricultural extension agents and government agencies to reach 372,617 farmers.

In addition to our program successes, CNFA expanded its international climate commitment, partnering with the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate, which was launched by the U.S. and other countries to increase investment in climate-smart food and agriculture innovation. Working with USDA, CNFA will continue to invest in climate-conscious approaches throughout its projects.

To further strengthen our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), CNFA last year signed a pledge for racial and ethnic equity created by the Coalition for Racial & Ethnic Equity in Development (CREED), with team members now attending CREED events to bolster DEI learning and growth.

CNFA also saw a change in leadership in 2022, with Elin Miller ceding her position as chair of the CNFA Board of Directors. We extend to her our heartfelt thanks for her efforts and look forward to her continuing as a member of the CNFA Board.

In the year ahead, CNFA will continue to adhere to our guiding principles of integrity, expertise and value, and will work to maximize our efforts to combat the effects of climate change, improve nutrition, bolster agricultural sufficiency and lift agricultural economies ravaged by war and poverty.

Best regards,

Mike Espy, Chair, CNFA Board of Directors

Sylvain Roy, President & CEO, CNFA


2022 Impact


individuals participated

in CNFA’s projects


of CNFA’s project

participants were women


micro, small & medium

enterprises engaged

$98 M

in finance & investments


$146 M

 in increased revenue

or income generated


days of volunteer

assistance provided


1. CNFA Participates in 2022 Norman E. Borlaug International Dialogue

CNFA’s presence at the World Food Prize Foundation’s 2022 Norman E. Borlaug International Dialogue in Des Moines, Iowa, featured several notable events. On October 19, 2022, Dr. Louisa Namicheishvili, CNFA’s chief of party for the USAID Agriculture Program, was on the panel for the main stage roundtable “Financing and Investments for Climate Action and Food System Transformation.” Joining other experts from the public and private sectors, the group discussed financial mechanisms and investment strategies for improving climate-smart, gender-sensitive food systems to support the world’s most vulnerable communities.

CNFA also hosted a side event, under the theme “Rebuilding the Economy through Agriculture,” with discussion from public and private sector panelists on agriculture strategies that accelerate post-crisis rebuilding, drive economic growth and build resilience in the face of challenges. The panel featured Mike Michener, deputy assistant administrator for USAID’s Bureau of Resilience and Food Security, Antonina Broyaka, extension associate in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University, David Kirvalidze, former minister of agriculture for Georgia and CNFA Board member, and Jay Vroom, former CEO of CropLife America.

2. CNFA & Seed Science Center at Iowa State University Announce New Partnership

In October 2022, CNFA and the Seed Science Center at Iowa State University signed a memorandum of understanding during the World Food Prize Foundation’s 2022 Norman E. Borlaug International Dialogue to address growing food insecurity and improve the productivity and resilience of global seed supply chains. The agreement between CNFA and the Seed Science Center outlines how the two organizations will combine their complementary strengths in agricultural market systems development and scientific research to improve seed availability, quality and testing around the world. As partners, CNFA and the Seed Science Center will also work to innovate approaches that can address crises quickly and sustainably, while also reducing the effects of disruptions to food production, food distribution and market systems development. The collaboration comes at a critical time as the impacts of conflict, COVID-19 and climate change continue straining local and global supply chains and food systems.

3. CNFA Continues Working to Boost the Rwandan Agriculture Sector

Leveraging the experience and expertise gained under the Feed the Future Rwanda Hinga Weze activity from 2017-2022, CNFA was awarded the $28 million Feed the Future Rwanda Hinga Wunguke Activity in late 2022 to increase incomes and improve nutrition in Rwanda by sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and strengthening the domestic consumption and market for high-value and nutritious agricultural products.

Joined by MarketShare Associates, the new activity aptly named Hinga Wunguke—which translates to “grow profitable” in Kinyarwanda—will work to strengthen farmers’ resilience in the face of climate change, while increasing their profitability and access to improved markets, inputs, finance, technologies and agricultural practices. It will also support policies that enable and incentivize private-sector investment and growth, creating economic opportunities that improve food security and nutrition outcomes for rural households.


4. USAID Resilient Communities Program Launched in Georgia

Drawing on its experience strengthening agricultural production, markets and livelihoods in Georgia since 2006, CNFA launched the five-year, $24 million USAID Resilient Communities Program in July 2022. The Program, which is designed to support households and micro, small and medium enterprises along Georgia’s Administrative Boundary Line (ABL), will build community resilience against shocks and disasters, enhance the inclusion of marginalized and at-risk communities—including women and youth—and stimulate sustainable socio-economic development through catalytic grant investments, private sector engagement and local and national government collaboration. CNFA is implementing the Program with partners Solimar International, a U.S.-based small business experienced in developing Georgia’s tourism industry; the Association Rural Development for Future Georgia, a Georgian nongovernmental organization specialized in community development, disaster risk reduction, economic development and inclusion in the ABL and throughout Georgia; and the Policy and Management Consulting Group, a Georgian consulting firm with expertise in economic analysis, including conducting value chain and niche market analyses.

Highlights from Our Projects

Scaling Up Best Practices for Smallholder Farmers

Assisted local entrepreneurs and producers with resources and best practices that helped them boost their production and grow their activities.

Adapting to the Effects of Climate Change

Supported farmers in implementing climate-smart practices that increase the productivity of their crops while building resilience against changing the environment.

Boosting Agricultural Enabling Environments

Facilitated inclusive partnerships with key public and private sector actors, improving the landscape for agribusinesses to succeed.

Fostering Resilient Market Systems

Promoted technologies and practices that strengthen agricultural production, market access and incomes for small-scale producers.  

Facilitating Improved Food Quality and Productivity

Worked closely with smallholder farmers and communities to develop higher qualities and quantities of food, improving their overall health and livelihoods.

Board of Directors


Total Revenue – $63,058,981

Federal & Non-Federal Grant Income – $62,964,451

Other Income – $94,530

Total Expenses – $62,643,862

Net Assets, Beginning of the Year – $5,871,925

Net Assets, End of the Year – $6,287,044