Farmer-to-Farmer is a USAID-funded initiative to send American agricultural/agribusiness experts to developing countries to offer technical assistance to our host organizations. These trips are volunteer-based, but all trip-related expenses are covered by CNFA, and typically last between two and three weeks.
Nankhwali Farm is a pioneering irrigation farm in Malawi which specializes in the production of orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) vines. The owner of the farm, Ned Konala, sells the OFSP vines to both local and international NGOs, including Save the Children, Concern Worldwide and Self Help Africa, which are interested in the vines because of the nutritional benefits. Despite giving the same treatment to all plants, some plots at Nankhwali Farm do better than others. Mr. Konala believes the issue is the difference of soil type and has requested the assistance from an Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer to conduct a soil analysis and prescribe the best nourishment regime that would allow for the production of healthy and long vines.