Monthly Archives:: June 2014

Smallholders’ Access to Fertilizers Campaign Sends Letter to African heads of State

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CNFA is proud to be part of the Smallholders’ Access to Fertilizers campaign and advocate for good policies that can change the livelihoods, nutritional status and incomes for family farmers in Africa. Ahead of the 23rd session of the Assembly of the African Union, CNFA joined seven organizations involved in agricultural development in Africa by sending a letter to the African Heads of State requesting support of the Abuja Declaration of 2006.  The Abuja Declaration of 2006 recognizes the strategic importance of fertilizer in improving food security in Africa and resolved to raise fertilizer use to 50 k/ha by 2015.  Despite the commitment by African Heads of State to sharply increase fertilizer use, application rates are still too low.   The current average rate is close to 10 kg per hectare while the global average is over 100 kg per hectare.  The impact of fertilizers is immediate and can drastically change the productivity of African farmers.  Throughout the year, this campaign will position fertilizers as a key component of the solution to eradicating hunger and malnutrition.

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CNFA Joins Farming First

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CNFA has some exciting news to share! We have recently joined Farming First (, a coalition of multi-stakeholder organizations that works to articulate, endorse and promote practical, actionable programs and activities to further sustainable agricultural development worldwide.

With one shared voice, Farming First highlights the importance of improving farmers’ livelihoods and agriculture’s potential contribution to global issues such as food security, climate change and biodiversity.

We look forward to contributing and sharing a voice with the network of farmers, scientists, engineers, industry experts, and other development organizations in this coalition to enable the many millions of farm families, especially smallholders, to grow more crops sustainably through effective markets, more collaborative research and committed knowledge sharing.


See How Ethiopia’s Livestock Market Development Celebrated World Milk Day

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On June 1, people around the world celebrated World Milk Day, which originally kicked off in 2001 to focus attention on the importance of milk and the milk industry. The USAID – US Agency for International Development-supported Agricultural Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD) project worked with Ethiopia’s Ministries of Agriculture and Health to increase awareness of the nutritional benefits of drinking milk and consuming dairy products.

AGP-LMD sponsored a “Question and Answer Quiz Show” featured on Saturday, June 7 on Ethiopian TV (ETV) where participants were asked questions related to milk and world milk day. More than 400 men, women and children watched the filming of the show.

AGP-LMD is part of the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future initiative to improve smallholder incomes and nutritional status in Ethiopia through investments in the meat/live animals and dairy value chains.

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